The Mission of Calvary Chapel Long Beach:
The Heart of our Mission here at Calvary Chapel Long Beach is summed up in Acts 1:8, “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; (ALL OF OUR MISSION OUTREACHES & SUPPORT IS SPIRIT DIRECTED & EMPOWERED)
and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, (LONG BEACH)
and in all Judea (CALIFORNIA)
and Samaria, (AMERICA)
and to the end of the earth (GLOBAL).”
Homeless Outreach
Bringing food, clothing, aid, and the gospel to those who are homeless in the city of Long Beach.
Mexico Outreach
Join us as we go across the border to give the gospel of Jesus Christ to the people of Mexico as well as lend a helping hand to many who are in need.
GO! Team
Sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ on the streets of Long Beach.
Romania 202?
Our outreach to the city of Craiova Romania. We minister to the people and bring the sweet good news of Jesus Christ to all who will listen.
Supported Missions
Save the Storks
Giving mothers another option & hope at the doors of America’s abortion clinics.
Release Time Education
Sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with kids, after school, in the Long Beach area.
Intensive Care Ministries
Training up pastors to teach the Bible with accuracy and the power of the Holy Spirit.
Prison Ministry of America
Sharing the freedom that is only found in Jesus Christ to a community behind bars.
Hands & Feet Project
Michelle Meece is continuing to minister to the Children of Haiti located in various Hands & Feet Children’s Villages
Hope Church Craiova
Preaching the gospel and teach in the word in the city of Craiova Romania.