Shepherd to sheep
As you are very aware, we are living in the “Last Days”. There is nothing we can do to speed up the Rapture of the Church or to slow it down. It is a day that the Lord knows, and He will come & get us on that day!
Until then, we can be active in “Last Days Living”... a Life Style that is anticipating the Rapture of the Church. What should we be doing?
Grow in the Lord – Stay active in your maturing & becoming like Christ! I know we are close to the finish line, but don’t stop living for the Lord & Growing in Him. Finish Well Saints!
Tell Everyone the Gospel – The only things we can take to heaven is other people.
Be Holy – We are the Holy Bride of Christ; Satan would love to dirty our hearts with sin, before the day. Keep your heart far from sin. If you resist Satan, he will Flee.
Have Faith – Times get hard, so Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Keep the Faith in the Promises of the Lord & the Person of Jesus Christ. He is Coming Soon!
Settle All Spiritual Accounts – Time is short… If you need to forgive… forgive. If you have wronged someone… make it right.
Be in the Word & in Prayer – This is foundational. Let the Lord speak to you in these last days through His Word & let us speak to Him in prayer. Pour out your heart.
Be Filled with the Holy Spirit – This is our Power Source! The Holy Spirit Keeps us going through every day. We cry out with the Spirit to “Come Lord Jesus!”
Stand Against the Work of the Enemy – In these Dark Last Days, we need to stand against the active evil that is so real. Speak the Word, Preach the Gospel & Let your Light Shine for Jesus Christ!
Enjoy The Saints – Make sure you enjoy Fellowship with the Saints! We recharge as a Church when we come together & seek God’s Face! We will spend eternity with each other, might as well start now! PRAISE THE LORD!